Thursday, January 30, 2014

January is coming to an end!

This month actually went by really fast for me. It was a hard month because of Bella's surgery but it was a good month. I was able to really be with my girls every single day and get to know them better than I already do. I love staying at home with them and taking care of them when they fall down and when they cry. I love cooking for them and even feeding them sometimes :)
Next month Bella will be at school for three days out of the week and I will hopefully fall into a routine with Vivi. 
My girls are growing up to be so sweet and kind with such good manners. I am so proud of them. Our time at home has been relaxing and I am going to miss our slow paced days.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Post op

Bella had her inguinal hernia surgery yesterday and thank God everything went well. She is recovering quickly, she has not had any pain today but I am still giving her Advil for the rest of the day in case. She was a real trooper though she cried a little when they took her away and a little when she woke up but other than that she did really well. I pray we don't have to go through that again with Vivian but we might seeing as how it is hereditary. 
Watching movies at home before bed.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Date night with Daddy

Im sorry I have been so behind blogging. I feel like I never have a minute to myself because Bella is awake during the morning naps now and during the afternoon naps I am typically showering, cleaning, making dinner or all three. 

Bella is going to have inguinal hernia surgery on Thursday at Children's Hospital in the morning. I am sure she will be fine but it is still so scary putting my baby under. Hopefully her recovery will be speedy and she won't be in any pain. 

Today we are expecting a big snow storm 5-8 inches! I can't believe it we haven't had this much snow in three years. I wish I could put the girls in the snow but since we are so close to surgery I don't want to risk anything. Looks like we will be sitting around the house for the next week watching movies, playing and eating!

Last Friday Curt and I went to dinner for our date night at The Palm, one of our favorite restaurants. It was so good! I love our date nights because I fall more in love with Daddy everytime!
Getting ready with Viv
I finally wore my new high hells out!
Daddy's drink- old fashioned he thinks he is on Mad Men
No more babies mommy!
My dinner


Monday, January 13, 2014

How was your weekend?

This weekend we let the girls out of the house! Finally!!! On Saturday we woke up had pancakes then got dressed and went over to an old friend's house. She had a baby girl named Charlotte four months ago and she was just precious. Vivian had never been around larger dogs before so she cried the whole time! Afterwards we went to get lunch at Rock Bottom then came home and took naps. Later on that evening we had family and friends over for some homemade chili and football! The kids played and we had a good night but by 9:00 I was DONE! 
I am definitely getting older hahaha! 

Loving her blankie lately...little cutie
Playing with Charlotte
Playing with baby Romeo on Sat night
We started watching the red carpet Golden Globes but then it turned into playing with plastic drawers

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Vivi is teething and is not a happy camper!

Teething oh teething!

Babies teeth differently. When Bella was 6 months old she cried for about 2 weeks straight at night because she was teething. After those two weeks she had more teeth come in but she never cried at night about it. She was easy.

Vivian is a little different. I've noticed she is scared much more easily and is much more needy in general. She likes to be held and she likes tons of attention. When she was teething months ago she let us know she was up every few hours throughout the night crying. Recently this past month she has had about 4 teeth come in and she definitely let's us know how she feels. She had been waking up so much in the month of December. Just last night was the first night I didn't give her any Advil and she slept the whole night through. I think I heard her let out one cry at about 4 or 5am but she was quiet after about 3 seconds. 

It's so interesting how each child is so different from the next. I love these two little girls so much and I can't imagine my life without them in it. They may wake us up and I may have dark circles under my eyes but it'a all worth it in the end. I just try to tell myself this too shall pass! Soon they will be grown up and I will miss this age so much. 

These girls have been making me laugh so hard lately with the things they say and do. 

Here are a few: bella- "fank you." Thank you

Vivi: never do sit ups around vivi. She ended up laying on top of me biting my nose

Bella pulling the blinds down in the living room because she hasn't left the house in weeks!

Bella wearing her "uniform" her princess dresses morning noon and night! Yesterday she asked to take a bath with her princess dress on.

Vivi recently cuddling up in Honey's bed.

Bella said can we watch cinderella? I said no i just put on mulan. She said, "compromise with sofia?"

Curt said the tree looks terrible. I said yeah doesnt help when bella throws one of her books into the tree. 
Curt: "bella, you threw a book into the tree?!"
Bella: "yeah i didnt understand it!"

"Mommy the sun is in my eyes!!"- bella
Bella at Children's Hospital yesterday. Looks like she has a hernia and will need surgery this month :(
Celebrating Pop and Aunt Jenny's birthday on Monday Jan. 6th! 
Vivi cuddling in Honey's bed. I dont blame her it looks pretty comfortable to me!