This has been one of the longest half day's of my life. It all began at 5:45am when I heard a gentle knock on my bedroom door. Bella was standing there with her blankie in hand talking a mile a minute. I gave her to Curt and headed back to bed for another 45 min. Curt took her downstairs and gave her a bowl of Froot Loops. I came downstairs had a bowl of Cheerios and my two cups of coffee, played with the girls and at 8:45 I told them they both needed to nap. I put Vivi in her crib and Bella in her room. Bella came out of her room said she had poop in her diaper. I changed her and put her back to bed. Of course two minutes later I hear her walking around because we took her crib apart so it is now a day bed for a toddler. Worst idea ever no thanks to my family who is convinced she is ready. I on the other hand think she needs to be locked up in her crib for atleast another year.
I come upstairs to find this...

Bella was so proud of herself. I ask her frantically, "where did you paint your nails?" She said, "in Daddy's room." (Note- daddys room not daddy and mommy's room)
I am completely freaking out at this point because I am convinced that I will walk into a room covered in red paint all over the walls and the carpet.
I open the door and not a drop. I could not believe there was not one single drop of paint anywhere. It was a true miracle.
Part of me wanted to yell at her and the other part of me wanted to hug and kiss her for having such an amazingly steady hand for a two year old.
Vivi was of course awake so I got them dressed and took her to my mom's salon to get everything taken off. The lady doing her nails asked Bella, "is that better ?" She said, "no, I want to paint them." She said, "pink?" Bella said, "no, red."
She is unbelievable.

Afterwards we decided to give her a little haircut too.
After her spa day we hit up the Bethesda Library and then headed to Mama Lucia for a little pizza. Daddy met us there and the girls ate everything in sight!

We drove home, warmed up some milk and Bella fell asleep on the floor.
I am exhausted but we had a great day. Love these girls, they certainly keep me on my toes!
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