Friday, December 6, 2013

Your great grandmother "mama"

My grandma "mama" and my grandpa "papa" have lived in Honduras for most of their lives. Mama decided that she wanted to live in America in the 1970's so she moved to DC with her children. Papa came here as well and started working for my Dad's Elevator company after my parents got married. They moved to Maryland and lived here for most of my life. When they retired they moved back to Honduras where they wanted to be together. About eight years ago mama got cancer but fought it. She has been very ill ever since and has alzheimer's disease. As of right now she is very ill and my family is worried she may not make it this month or maybe not even this week. She is almost 80 years old on Dec. 13th, I pray that she makes it till then. She was diagnosed with pancreatitis and now she has pneumonia. Her body is strong and she is still communicating with the family. 
My uncle Michael and my Aunt Emma is there with her now. My Aunt Jami is on her way today and my mom is leaving tomorrow morning. My other Aunt Sally who lives in California is leaving tomorrow. My cousins and I are all relieved that our aunts and moms are on their way to support her and just be there for her to keep her strong and figure out what to do next. We want her to get strong enough to leave Honduras and get to a hospital in the states for obvious reasons. If you are reading my blog I would be grateful if you would pray for her and recovering from this. 

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